Saturday 3 December 2011

Video: Bono observes World AIDS Day

>>> when he hasn't been on the road with u2, he's been on the road with his various charitable efforts aimed at eradicating aids. today in washington bono, with the help of three u.s. presidents and a fleet of other dignitaries, marked the 30th anniversary of the discovery of aids on this world aids day with a mostly positive assessment.

>> you could imagine we would be talking about the real possibility of an aids-free generation. but that's what we're talking about. that's why we're here.

>> bono has been kind enough to join us from washington . it occurs to me if we were talking about 30 million dead over 30 years in warfare, we'd be angry. we'd be fatigued and trying to end it. but what was the announcement, the good news that you delivered there in washington today?

>> well, we are trying to end it. and the good news today on this 30th year anniversary of the discovery of this disease, hiv/aids is that the end is in sight. you can't defeat it until the number of infections are the lower of the people you're treating. that's obvious. well, for the first time that's possible now through getting people these drugs early in the process. it stops them reinfecting other people. male circumcision , and getting women, pregnant women the drugs means their children aren't affected.

>> while americans, really starting with president bush on forward, have made great achievements in their charity and giving overseas, domestically we have a problem here?

>> america has been the turning point in the war, if you'd like. it would be shocking if vigilance was not applied to the domestic area and to certain communities which are still experiencing this disease. that's a very good point.

>> bono, thanks. congratulations on the effort so far. and we'll cover the campaign as it goes forward. thank you for being with us from washington today.

>> thank you.


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