Thursday 11 October 2012

Health, Fitness and Wellness Assessment Task | Nicolai's blog

What is Health?

Health has many meanings in English, and there could be many perspectives of health. However, referring to P.E. it would mostly mean being in shape.?Exercising, eating fruits and vegetables, working out, and of course, not being too fat or too skinny, are all part of health. None the less, being positive and not being stressed is also healthy. There are many meanings of health and one word could not describe it.

What is fitness?

Fitness is your health and physical condition. Things like working out, jogging, and being outside is part of fitness. Unlike health, fitness doesn?t?exactly?have a point of view, or a perspective. It is your condition, and that cannot be different from other people?s view.

What are the components of health related fitness?

Cardiovascular Endurance: How fast your heart can deliver oxygen to your working muscles.

Muscular Strength: The ability to exert force on objects using muscles.

Muscular Endurance:?The ability of a muscle to do a repeated movement without becoming tired.

Flexibility: Being able to bend further and longer.

Body Composition:?The percentages of fat, bone and muscle in your body.

How can and why should you test your fitness?

Testing your fitness is important for many reasons. It could be used to see how well your heart is doing. This is important, because if it is not doing too well, you could suffer from a heart attack or?strokes?when you get older. We could test how well your heart is doing by using a heart beat monitor. Other ways to test your fitness is by using the Cooper Test. This test will show?the amount of cardiovascular endurance you have. To test this, you measure, for example, a park, then run around it for 12 minutes. Times the amounts of laps you ran with the distance of the park, and then you get your score of how far you ran. If you got?2200m-2399m, you are average, if lower, you are below average.

What types of fitness test have you used?

Throughout this unit, we have used a variety of tests. We tested our heart rate by doing some?circuit? training and wearing heart beat?monitors.?we also have done the Cooper Test where we run 200m for 12 minutes?straight.

How can we compare our results with other people?

To compare results, we do tests and gather all the scores from that, and then see if the other people got better, worse or the same. Doing the Cooper Test, to compare the results, all you need to do is?gather?your own results, and seeing if the other person got the same, better, or worse than you.

How did you do these tests?

For the Cooper Test, we worked with a partner where one recorded how many laps the other ran. Taking the result, and times it by 20, we got the distance of the other person. Then it was the other person?s turn to do the exact same. For?circuit training, we used heart beat monitors to test how high our heart rate was.

What are some of the problems of using the BMI as a standard test?

The BMI (Body Mass Index) test summarizes your height, and weight (and age). Being fit and healthy cannot change your height, but can change your weight. Using the BMI regularly is not a good idea because it tests things that cannot be changed through health and fitness.

My fitness is not too good. When I did the Cooper Test, I found myself ranked as ?very bad?. I could have been ranked average if I had pushed myself just a bit harder, but I gave up at the end. My fitness level could improve a lot. However, I am very glad we did this unit, because now I have an over-view of where I am, and how I can improve. I now know some?exercises?to do and some tests to see how well I am doing. To me, Muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, and body composition are some areas I am interested in, and wish to improve on.

To improve on these areas, I could do some exercises from the?circuit?training. Exercises like tri-cep dips for muscular endurance, jogging for cardiovascular endurance, and eating more vegetables or fruits for body?composition. To know I have reached my goals, I will use the Cooper Test to check my cardiovascular endurance, check my maximum heart beat and how fast it lowers to my resting heart beat, and checking my weight, or BMI, for body compositions.


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