The Apple of today and the IBM of 1989
Linked by Thom Holwerda on 03/23/12 15:09 UTC

I'm currently reading Jerry Kaplan's excellent book "Startup: a Silicon Valley adventure". In this book, Kaplan, founder and CEO of GO Corp., details the founding, financing and eventual demise of his highly innovative company, including the development and workings of their product. What's so surprising about this book is just how timeless it really is - the names and products may have changed, but the business practices and company attitudes surely haven't.

6??Read More ? 28 Comment(s) After outrage, BioWare considers changing Mass Effect 3 ending Linked by Thom Holwerda on 03/21/12 23:54 UTC

As I made very clear in my thorough review of Mass Effect 2, I'm a huge BioWare fan. This relationship got very, very cloudy when BioWare released Dragon Age II, a rush job with no story and atrocious gameplay. Mass Effect 3 looked like redemption - until I hit the terrible, terrible ending. The criticism of the ending has been so immense and consistent, BioWare is contemplating changing it. Of course, this story is riddled with spoilers, so be warned.

1??Read More ? 62 Comment(s) App ads suck battery; does that make it okay to block them? Linked by Thom Holwerda on 03/20/12 21:01 UTC

Because I've been spending days browsing through XDA, reading CM changelogs, and flashing nightly builds, I'm still in an Android state of mind, so excuse me for more talk on the subject. An interesting study has been performed which found that advertisements in Android applications are a huge battery drain - they account for up to 75% of an application's battery usage.

1??Read More ? 53 Comment(s) Interview: Richard Stallman
Linked by Linux Review on 03/20/12 17:07 UTC

It's been a while since we caught up with Stallman. But a couple months ago we took a look around at what's happening with law, politics and technology and realized that he maybe perhaps his extremism and paranoia were warranted all along. So when we were contacted by an Iranian Linux publication and asked if we would like to publish an English translation of a recent interview they had done with Stallman, I thought that it was a particularly rich opportunity.

10??Read More ? 77 Comment(s) CyanogenMod 9 alpha puts Samsung to shame Linked by Thom Holwerda on 03/18/12 21:23 UTC

This past week and this weekend I've finally found the time to enter into the colorful world of custom Android ROMs. After figuring out just how insanely great and awesome ClockWorkMod Recovery is, I set about to figure out what the best Ice Cream Sandwich ROM is for the Galaxy SII. While the answer to that question became clear quite quickly, this answer also gave rise to a whole bunch of other questions.

6??Read More ? 79 Comment(s) CM9 to have root disabled by default, can easily be re-enabled Linked by Thom Holwerda on 03/17/12 0:35 UTC

Due to their very nature, custom Android ROMs have root enabled by default. Up until relatively recently, installing custom Android ROMs was a thing geeks did, and as such, this wasn't much of a problem. However, over the past few days, I've found out just how easy installing custom ROMs and modifying them really is (I'm running this one until CyanogenMod 9 is ready for the SII), and it seems like more and more regular users are engaging in the practice as well. Suddenly, having root enabled becomes a security liability.

7??Read More ? 22 Comment(s) Depending on an application store for your income Linked by Thom Holwerda on 03/15/12 22:01 UTC

While there are some upsides to closed application stores like the App Store, they're not a universally good thing. The story of Bryan Lunduke is an example of what happens when you depend on a company, but a company does not depend on you.

3??Read More ? 41 Comment(s) Syllable gets Red/System bindings with C, cURL, SDL, SQLite Linked by Kaj-de-Vos on 03/15/12 12:48 UTC

Version 0.2.5 of the new Red/System programming language has been released, after it celebrated its first birthday at the third Red Developers Conference. Bindings with the standard C library, cURL, SDL and SQLite that were developed over the past year are now properly supported on Syllable Desktop. Conference videos introduce Red/System and the bindings. Earlier, new floating point support was released (Mandelbrot screenshot; demo source, see the .reds file).

0??Read More ? 36 Comment(s) Mozilla forced to consider supporting H.264 Linked by Thom Holwerda on 03/14/12 19:37 UTC

Ever since it became clear that Google was not going to push WebM as hard as they should have, the day would come that Mozilla would be forced to abandon its ideals because the large technology companies don't care about an open, unencumbered web. No decision has been made just yet, but Mozilla is taking its first strides to adding support for the native H.264 codecs installed on users' mobile systems. See it as a thank you to Mozilla for all they've done for the web.

12??Read More ? 132 Comment(s) United, a tech conglomerate can take over Hollywood Linked by Eugenia Loli on 03/14/12 7:06 UTC

By reading various media news in the last year or so, a very disturbing pattern appeared. When media providers like Amazon, Apple, Google, Netfix, Microsoft tried to
license content off of Hollywood, they were either given extremely high prices, or they were being rejected altogether. Microsoft even canceled a finished XBoX360-related video product recently because they couldn't license content easily, Netflix is given harder and harder time as time goes by (notice how only a few good movies were added to their streaming service in the last few months), and even the almighty Apple had the door shut on its face numerous times.

3??Read More ? 67 Comment(s)
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